meet diana

I am: curious, calm, caring, inspired, emotional, playful, left-handed, virgo

My roles include: a sister, a daughter, a partner, a friend, a cat and dog mom, and most recently, an auntie :)

I love: stillness, candles at night, bowls of pasta, hot showers, working with my hands, observing people + their behavior, my pets, bike rides, summer nights, traveling our planet, fresh fruit

My hobbies: photography (duh), ceramics, reading, yoga, meditation, attempting to keep house plants alive

Happiest when Iโ€™m: laying in the sunshine, immersed in nature, around animals, creating art, with family and friends

In the presence of my lens, I hope you feel radiant, authentically seen, and in touch with the present momentโ€ฆ

Iโ€™m a Southern California native and Los Angeles based wedding photographer. My biggest inspirations come from travel, sitting quietly in nature, and old 35mm film photos of my family. I create work that is intentional, photojournalistic, candid, emotional, and artistic. My hope is for the photos to be authentically and irrevocably YOU- a unique expression of love and light on your most special day.

By using a mix of both 35mm film and digital, your gallery will reflect the nuance of your love, creating a both classic and modern feel to the images. The experience with me is fun and easy going, giving us all the space to remain true to ourselves. I invest my full presence into each photograph captured, always looking for those unnoticed and glanced over moments.

some love from the lovers <3

Connecting with what you are seeing?

Contact Diana

I canโ€™t wait to meet you :)